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Bees Webs- Websites, Logos, Marketing | Do I need a website when I have a Facebook Business page?
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Do I need a website when I have a Facebook Business page?

Should I have Website and Facebook Page

27 Sep Do I need a website when I have a Facebook Business page?

In this post, we will walk you through this burning question start-ups usually face.

Q: I have a substantial amount of customers from my Facebook Business page. Should I still invest in a website?


Should I have Website and Facebook Page

There are limitations to a Facebook page that having a website does not limit you with. Your website is YOURS and a Facebook page still belongs to Facebook.




Complete Ownership.




Ultimately, if an unexpected turn happen, your Facebook page COULD ( if you breach certain agreement etc)  be removed by Facebook. [ Example: Fans reported you/ simply unexpected things could happen!]






A Facebook page has its own layout and you are bound by its layout and have to make do with what’s available to you. You can’t choose where you want your catalogs to be at etc.
When you have your own website, you are able to choose your own layout and it gives you the freedom to choose your settings. You can place where you want your contact number to appear, where your catalogs appear and even have the freedom to choose your own theme that matches your business concept. Having a website empowers you to take ownership of your own business!


 Expand your number of clients.


When you have many established customers on your facebook page, it means  you could potentially grow the number of your existing clients when you have a website. Reason being, more people could reach out to you by finding you through search engines when they google for your product. There are chances of you getting customers from Search Engine when you have a website. This could potentially bring more revenue to your business and increase sales!





Should I have Website Business Facebook Page


When you have a website, your company has an online presense. Customers tend to trust your product and services more when you have an online presence. It makes it easier to reach and contact you too!

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